18 August 2008

BYS adds another contributor...FROM THE VAULTS this week: Midnight Meat Train


BYS is always looking for experienced journalists or bloggers who love their indie films, but most of all in our very picky and critical passion...where do we start? We have some in mind, but we're looking for people who like to have great cuban food on our bill...it's not as easy as it seems.
Well, we had to look no further than local pop culture expert and always brutally honest author Liz Langley to share a great cuban sandwich and hot sauce with. We have followed her blog for a few months now, but it's her recent review of Midnight Meat Train that reeled us in. We know that Midnight Meat Train maybe playing a theater or two still, but her review was PERFECT! A must read. So good, in fact, wait til you read next weeks From The Vaults when we go into some steamy sex cinema from the 1979 (oh Penthouse Films, how did you only make one picture?), and from there we tackle controversial documentaries from the late '60's. GOOD TIMES!
But for now...PLEASE read this excellent writers blog, subscribe, and welcome Liz to our staff of writers. Liz has her hands full, and we're extremely honored that we fit like a glove.

Liz Langley's Blog:
Alice The Goon


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